
The Game of LIFE—From Trash to Treasure

Meet Julie Stone and Karissa Lew, second year AD&D students, who make the perfect duet. The two former music majors now studying in their second year at the School of Apparel Design & Development, collaborated this summer to win Seattle Dragon Fest’s design competition, Trash to Treasure. Their challenge—reuse something to make it into a garment.

Their initial concept was to use old CD’s to make a “music through the ages dress”. That idea proved too expensive for their $20.00 budget. The duo regrouped and found the perfect inspiration and materials in a board game “Life” while wandering through Goodwill’s game isle.

“We felt the game was a perfect metaphor for our lives and our career transition into fashion,” noted Lew.

The two set out to build a garment from every component of the game. The belt was made from the box, the bodice from the board, and money and cards were used to make up the skirt. Game pieces were linked together with jump rings to create the straps. With an exacto knife, black paint, a little hardware, and some ingenuity, the piece came together.

“We had a great collaboration and played off of each other well,” said Stone about working together on the project. “The whole idea that we could take all this new knowledge learned in school and put it to use, was really fun.” Read more about the contest at this link.


